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NTH - Нетворк Технолоджи
ул. Чкалова, 12, каб. 324, Минск, Беларусь
+375 (29) 124-10-14
@nth.by+375 (29) 124-10-14
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ООО «Нетворк технолоджи»

Республика Беларусь 220055, г. Минск, проезд Масюковщина, дом 4, кабинет 106

Дата регистрации в Торговом реестре/Реестре бытовых услуг: 05.12.2022

Номер в Торговом реестре/Реестре бытовых услуг: 547023, Республика Беларусь

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Дата регистрации компании: 02.02.2022

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+375 (29) 124-10-14

PlayStation 5 UFC 5

214 руб.

  • В наличии
  • Код: UFC 5
PlayStation 5 UFC 5
PlayStation 5 UFC 5В наличии
214 руб.
+375 (29) 124-10-14
+375 (29) 124-10-14
возврат товара в течение 14 дней по договоренности
Общая информация
Год выхода2023 г.
Дата релиза26.10.2023
Ограничение по возрасту (PEGI)16 +
Игровая серияUFC
Информация? EA Sports UFC 5, highly anticipated game from Electronic Arts, is set to capture the hearts of mixed martial arts fans. The game is scheduled for release on October 7, 2023 for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, and it is already generating incredible excitement among genre enthusiasts.

? One of the key points of interest in EA Sports UFC 5 is the selection of game faces. Australian fighter Alexander Volkanovski and Russian-Kyrgyz-Peruvian mixed martial artist Valentina Shevchenko have become the faces of the new installment. Both athletes are stars in their weight classes and have impeccable achievements in the MMA world. Their participation in the project will add realism and authenticity to the gameplay, as well as give fans the opportunity to immerse themselves in the true atmosphere of the fights.

? The combination of advanced PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X technologies with detailed gameplay promises to create an amazing experience for players. Enhanced graphics and physics, realistic animation engine, and new fighting mechanics will make the game unparalleled in its genre. New contact features and improved control system will allow every player to feel like a real fighter in the octagon.

? In addition, the developers promise an expanded customization mode, where players can adjust the appearance and characteristics of their character. There will also be the opportunity to improve the fighter's skills and advance their career.

? One of the key improvements will be the impressive graphics, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the world of mixed martial arts. Realistic animations and detailed character designs will add impact to every match.

? EA Sports UFC 5 will also feature more fighters, including new faces from both male and female divisions. Each fighter will have their own unique skills and fighting style, creating more strategic opportunities for players.

? EA Sports UFC 5 will offer an enhanced career mode, where players can create their own fighter and progress from a rookie to a champion.

? The developers promise to utilize the DualSense features for PlayStation 5 and the ability to use Quick Resume on Xbox Series X. This will allow players to dive even deeper into the gameplay and enjoy the unique capabilities of the new consoles.

? EA Sports UFC 5 also promises an expanded career mode, more diverse fights, and new locations.

? One of the key features of the game is the realistic injury model. Now fighters will sustain real injuries depending on the type and power of the strike. This will create an atmosphere of a real match and force players to be tactical in their actions.

? The developers also promise significant improvements to the control system. Thanks to the use of advanced touch input technologies, players will be able to more accurately control their character's movements and perform various moves. The new interface will allow for quick switching between different attack combinations, making the gameplay even more dynamic.

? EA Sports UFC 5 features various game modes to satisfy any preference. Career mode, one of the most popular modes, has received significant improvements. Now you can fully immerse yourself in the world of MMA, starting your career from the lower divisions and rapidly advancing to the heights of success. Every action you take will have consequences that affect your ranking status and how other fighters perceive you.
Форма поставки"коробочная"
Поддержка VRНет
Игровой наборНет
Русская локализацияанглийские субтитры
FightingДа wrestling (рестлинг)
SimulationДа sport (спортивный)
SportsДа ufc (смешанные единоборства)
Временные рамки/направлениеСовременность
Количество игроков
Разработка и распространение
Коллекционное изданиеНет
Расширенное изданиеНет
РазработчикEA Vancouver
ИздательElectronic Arts
Пользовательские характеристики
Fighting [Жанры]Да
Multiplayer [Количество игроков]Да
Simulation [Жанры]Да
Singleplayer [Количество игроков]Да
Sports [Жанры]Да
Временные рамки/направлениеСовременность
Временные рамки/направление [Жанры]Современность
Год выхода2023 г.
Год выхода [Общая информация]2023 г. (Q4)
Дата релиза26.10.2023
Дата релиза [Общая информация]26.10.2023
Дополнение [Разработка и распространение]Нет
Игровая серияUFC
Игровая серия [Общая информация]UFC
Игровой наборНет
Игровой набор [Описание]Нет
ИздательElectronic Arts
Издатель [Разработка и распространение]Electronic Arts
Коллекционное изданиеНет
Коллекционное издание [Разработка и распространение]Нет
Ограничение по возрасту (PEGI)16 +
Ограничение по возрасту (PEGI) [Общая информация]16 +
Поддержка VRНет
Поддержка VR [Описание]Нет
РазработчикEA Vancouver
Разработчик [Разработка и распространение]EA Vancouver
Расширенное изданиеНет
Расширенное издание [Разработка и распространение]Нет
Русская локализацияанглийские субтитры
Русская локализация [Описание]английские субтитры
Форма поставкикоробочная
Форма поставки [Описание]коробочная
Информация для заказа
  • Цена: 214 руб.